You can help your pet sitter be a better friend to your pet by making sure there are no problems while you are away. Planning and preparation in the following areas will smooth the way:
- Tell the pet sitter about all health problems your pet may have—major or minor, past or present.
- Provide written verification that your pet is up to date on its vaccinations.
- Make sure your dog’s collar fits—otherwise he may slip out of a too-large collar while being walked.
- If your dog is not accustomed to walking on a leash, practice with him before you leave.
- Make a list of your pet’s favorite hiding places. This will prevent the pet sitter from worrying if your pet is not where expected—the sitter will know where to look.
- Provide your own preferred method of flea control, even if your pets are currently flea free. Fleas multiply rapidly and can become a problem very quickly.
- If you own both dogs and cats, do not ask the sitter to care for the dogs and “just ignore the cats;” in order to save a few dollars. A sitter’s professionalism, ethic responsibility and conscience would not allow the oversight of a cat in need of food, medical care or human attention.
- If your dog growls or snaps at a pet sitter during a “get-acquainted visit,” understand that the pet sitter may ask that you make other arrangements for your dog’s care during your absence.
- Be honest about your pet’s quirks, i.e. a dog that is nervous about having his leash put on, or a cat that does not like to be petted. The more your pet sitter knows, the better equipped she is to care for your pets.